Understanding Burnout in the Veterinary Profession

Written by Samantha Ross | Jun 17, 2019 7:57:00 PM

On Wednesday, June 19th, at Noon CST, IGNITE will host a FREE webinar “Burnout- Prescription for a Healthier, Happier You” with Dr. Debbie Stoewen, DVM, MSW, RSW, PhD. You will learn the symptoms of burnout and strategies to combat it, and earn 1 RACE-Approved CE credit in the process. Click here to add this event to your calendar.

Reason #1: Burnout will affect your mental and physical health.

Burnout isn’t just ‘burning out’ by working too much or too long of hours. According to Psychology Today, “Equally pressing is working toward a goal that doesn't resonate, or when a person lacks support—in the office or at home. If a person doesn’t tailor responsibilities to match a true calling, or at least take a break once in a while, the person could face a mountain of mental and physical health problems.”


Reason #2: Burnout will destroy your working relationships and your achievements.

The stress of burnout can be isolating. Suddenly, you find yourself withdrawing from social circles (inside and outside of work),frequently irritated or impatient, and experiencing a strong desire to avoid work and your colleagues. All of this can lead to the destruction of your working relationships and even the achievements you’ve worked really hard for.


Reason #3: Burnout will cause you to lose your confidence and leave you drained.

 “When your workplace stress becomes chronic, you experienced a decrease in your self-efficacy,” says Psychology Today. “You may find yourself beginning to doubt your abilities, even for tasks in which you have previously demonstrated competence. Further, this reduction in your assessment of your own abilities may impede in your motivation, functionality, and productivity.” All of this stress will send you home mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted at the end of the day.


Sound familiar?

Or, like someone you know? Burnout is more commonplace than we tend to think. This is why we can’t wait to hear from Dr. Stoewen to learn more about the symptoms, affects, and ways to combat this workplace epidemic.